1 DEPUTY HEADTEACHER MESSAGE As we approach the end of the Autumn Term, I am pleased to write the forward for the Heston Times, celebrating our students’ experiences, interests and accomplishments. The beginning of a new year in January provides an opportunity for both reflection and recognition of the progress we have achieved. At the end of the Summer Term, we asked all or stakeholders for their support in ‘resetting’ behaviour throughout the School. We focussed on students: • being in the right place at the right time • following instructions first time, every time. We have been extremely pleased with the positive reaction to this initiative. Student and staff focus groups have recognised that ‘behaviour is better’. We would like to thank all our families for their positive engagement in ensuring that together we create the most positive environment to support high quality learning. This commitment, energy and enthusiasm is very much in evidence in the stories written in the following pages. They range from external visitors and presentations, to school trips and tours providing opportunities across all Year Groups. Former students sharing their wisdom and experiences along side a broad and eclectic mix of external speakers, allow students to see life outside the classroom. Our extra-curricular programme continues to flourish, with students continuing to step out of their comfort zones and try new clubs. All of these opportunities allow students to develop the confidence and life skills essential to being successful once they leave Heston School. We have continued to improve the learning environment with the opening of the new Pavilion Toilets. This means we now boast two large toilet facilities close to where students congregate – Hogarth and close to the School Canteen. In addition, to the ongoing re-wiring, fire door replacement and new window replacement projects, the Drama and Dance facilities have been completely refurbished alongside the redecoration of a number of busy corridors and classrooms. We hope that this ongoing investment in our facilities will allow students to gain more from the opportunities available at Heston. In addition to reminding our students this term of why we have rules and the benefit we can all achieve by following them, we have also tried to remind students about the importance of kindness. In a world where our children have responsibilities of being ‘global citizens’ our Kind Thought … Kind Words initiative seeks to remind us all, why deliberate acts of kindness are so important. There are 1,440 minutes in a day; which means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact. We hope students enjoy their Winter holidays and continue to make their own personal commitment to doing things better in the New Year, to achieve their best. Mike O’Hagan Deputy Headteacher UPCOMING EVENTS January 06/01: Spring Term starts Y12 Assessments Y11 & 13 Mocks BTEC Examinations begin 09/01: Late start for students 16/01: HCAT AGM 20/01: GCSE French Speaking Mocks February 06/02: Post 16 Parents’ Evening 10/02: Enrichment Week 13/02: Yr. 11 Academic Progress Meetings 17/02: Half Term week 27/02: Late start for students 22/02: Yr. 10 Parents’ Evening March 04/03: Post 16 External Interviews 12/03: Yr. 11 and Yr. 13 School Photographs 18/03: Yr. 9 Parents’ Evening 25/03: Spring Music Concert April 01/04: Yr. 7 Parents’ Evening 02/04: Deadline: Y9 Options 04/04: Y12 UCAS Day 07-21/04: Easter Break The Heston Times Autumn 2024
2 . 2024 GCSE RESULTS DAY Congratulations to all our Year 11 students on their GCSE examination results. We are delighted that many of our students will be returning to Heston for Post 16 study. Navvya Makwana, who secured a highly impressive eight Grade 9s, said: “Each Grade 9 required hours of work and dedication and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. You reap what you sow with GCSEs. With 9s in Sciences and Maths, I’m going to study Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Further Maths and I’m also pursuing the Extended Project Qualification, with the hope of becoming a psychiatrist in the future.” Angelina Tihhomirova, who achieved five Grade 9s, said: “I couldn't have been happier with my results. When I first opened the envelope, I was overwhelmed with surprise and happiness. Even more so, I was proud of the effort and hard work I put in over the two years - the extra work I handed in for marking, the interventions I went to. I am especially thankful to all the teachers that took time out of their day to print out extra work, booklets and exam questions for me.” SUMMER CONCERT H e s t o n C o mm u n i t y School celebrated and showcased the strengths o f o u r w o n d e r f u l musicians in a Summer Concert on Thursday, 18 July. T h e v o c a l i s t s a n d inst rumental i sts have ded i c a t ed eno rmous time and energy to preparing this show and it looked set to uplift the audience! The aud i en ce we r e treated to a real range of genres at the concert, ranging from a Coldplay Melody to Otto Riedings Concerto in B minor for Violin. There were solo performances, individual instrumentalists and of course the choir! This amazing event has t a k e n t r e m e n d o u s amounts of dedication, confidence and teamwork from the students and Music Department.
3 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE STEM START RESIDENTIAL In the STEM SMART residential at the University of Cambridge, I stayed at Downing college and this allowed me to experience what university life might be like. We spent the majority of the days at the Cavendish Laboratory, where we would revise previous topics that were taught in STEM SMART tutorials as well as learning new content. The professors also taught us topics that extend beyond the curriculum at school . I had the opportunity to work in an undergraduate lab and completed a practical investigation of the effect of a virus called fusicoccin on stomata. The equipment we used was much more complicated compared to the equipment that we are used to in school ! Overall , it was a great experience and gave me a taster of the university style of learning. Taran Bansal [13E] 2024 A LEVEL AND BTEC EXAM RESULT DAY Congratulations to all of our Year 13 students on an outstanding set of examination results! It was wonderful to see so many elated reactions as our students secured impressive apprenticeships and places at a range of prestigious universities. “I’m excited to begin my Level 5 apprenticeship. While I’ll miss school, I’m ready to embrace this new chapter in my life." Iman Zaini “It’s been a challenging year, but with the support of my teachers, I made it through. A special thanks to Ms Chana and Mrs Kyriacou. I’ll definitely miss our Economics lessons." Jaspreet Sarna “I want to thank all my teachers and the Sixth Form team. It’s been a long journey, but I’ve finally made it. Now, I’m off to Oxford!” Moaiad Adam “I’m really excited to be heading to Surrey University. I can’t believe how fast the last two years have gone. A huge thank you to all my teachers for welcoming me into Heston Community School as an external student.” Chris Pontes With an A Level Progress Score of 3, A Level study at Heston remains incredibly strong, placing us in the top 25% of schools in the country. In our T Level programmes, 88% of students achieved a Merit or above, an excellent level of achievement [equivalent to BBB at A Level]. We are so proud of all of our Post 16 students and know they will continue to demonstrate the Hestonian values as they continue on the rich and varied pathways which their hard work has afforded them.
4 CAMBRIDGE BIOLOGY CHALLENGE - OUTSTANDING COMPETITORS AWARDS DAY Tenay, Aisha and Moeeza achieved 16th place out of over 450 teams nat ional ly in the Cambridge University - B i o l o g y C h a l l e n g e . T h e students had to creat ively present their ideas on a range of biological quest ions, such as "Why do animals not have wheels?", "Are humans st i l l evolving?" and "What is the most incredible biology in your own habitat ?". Al l three students are planning to read degrees in Biomedicine or Biochemistry. " A f t e r o v e r c o m i n g t h e d i ff i cul t i es of the B io logy Chal lenge, we were invited to H o m e r t o n C o l l e g e a t Cambridge University, along with a smal l group of other high-achieving students. T h e C a m b r i d g e B i o l o g y Lecturer gave us insight into how the Biology quest ions we r e d e c i d e d u p o n a n d different ways in which these quest ions could've been and were answered. We used the g r a n d D i n i n g H a l l f o r lunch and then attended the Award Ceremony. After this, we were sent to an "escape room" where we teamed with students from Sixth Forms and Secondary Schools al l over the count r y t o so l v e v a r i ous puzzles. Some were Biology related, some were not but , ult imately the point of the puzzles was to get us thinking and using our ski l ls to solve problems we've never come across. As a team of six, we solved more than 20 puzzles. Some we did as a team, some we worked on indiv idual ly according to our strengths. At the end, there was a smal l maze where we could progress only if we had solved the riddles. This experience was e n l i g h t e n i n g a n d h i g h l y enjoyab l e; a l lowi ng us to interact with new people that shared simi lar passions to us, whi lst test ing our knowledge and ski l ls." Tenay Chak & Aisha Hajiadam [13] WELCOME, YEAR 7 STUDENTS Welcome to Year 7 students to Heston Community School! My time at Heston Community School Tawsul Humed [7B] So far, I am enjoying my t ime at Heston Community School . There are a wide range of subjects, subjects that are completely different from primary school . The schedule is unlike anything I was used to. This can be a very new, excit ing experience for a lot of people. There were a lot of challenges I had to face but over t ime I got used to the rules and overcame them. In Year 6, I was thrilled about going to the Enrichment Clubs. I wanted to go to some Enrichment Clubs, such as art and cooking. I was afraid of gett ing lost and was shocked about how big this school is. Within 2 weeks, I knew where my lessons were. Meet ing new people was an experience I was looking forward to. It was also uneasy and unsett ling but now I am grateful being at Heston Community School . My Experience! Aaliyah Mutagonda [7B] From my own experience, Heston Community School is an excellent school . Even though I have only been here for two/three weeks, I am very comfortable and feel safe at this school . The teachers are nice and are very helpful . Everyone is very kind, and it is quite easy to meet new people and make fr iends, especially because you are always moving to di fferent classes and joining new clubs and can even find many similarit ies and interests with other people. The older students are very considerate and they help us find our classes with respectfulness. This is one of the Hestonian Values which are; Respect, Honesty, Ambit ion, Kindness, Equality and Resilience. I believe the Hestonian Values make sense and are fair. My Year 7 Experience. Ayla Besic [7B] So far my year 7 experience has been astounding! All the staff and students have welcomed me with open arms and have never hesitated to help when I have needed it. Heston Community has been amazing as I have a marvellous Head of Year and amazing teachers who understand that year 7 can be hard to adjust to, but the teachers have made it feel a lot easier than it seems. Before I came to Heston I felt nervous that I would get lost and no one would help me, but guess what, it turns out I was wrong! The subjects in this school are like no other. In science, we have learnt how to use bunsen burners safely and we have also learnt how to make chocolate chip cookies and i f you’re asking, of course they were yummy. Heston has been so welcoming and has always reassured me that we always have someone to talk to i f we have any problems with anything. The best things that I have been taught here are the Hestonian Values: kindness, Honesty, Respect, Equality, Ambit ion and Resilience. All of these things make me feel proud to be a part of the Heston family. My t ime at Heston Community School Tanek Madan [7W] My t ime at Heston Community School so far has been full of adventure, curiosity and overall, just an indescribable experience. The new friends I have made, the sympathet ic teachers I have fill me up with joy every day I attend here. I can’t forget Mr Abdulla, our Head of Year, who has helped me since day one. When I first got to this school , I was scared of not making friends and had a big fear of being alone. But even though I have only been in this school for a short t ime, I can’t believe I even had that fear. The Hestonian values of Kindness, Respect, Equality, Resilience, Ambit ion and Honesty teach me ways of living that will support me throughout my whole li fe. Another quality about this school is the opportunit ies the School provides to boost confidence and help you to go the extra mile is the Enrichment. With a variety of clubs at luncht ime and after school , Heston gives you something that you might want to try or join to improve your skills. I would like to thank this outstanding school for everything they are doing for us and I am sure in the coming years.
5 TRANSITION TO Y12 Sarah Khadar My transition from Lampton to Heston has been challenging, but with the support of the teachers, I ’m becoming more and more confident that I have made the right choice. Initially, I felt nervous about meeting new people and adapting to a different environment. However, the welcoming atmosphere at Heston quickly put me at ease. The school emphasises that when students and teachers collaborate, achieving distinctions in BTEC courses is always possible. I’m truly grateful for making the move here. Khadhar Abdullai Heston Community School takes pride in its strong academic achievements and commitment to its core values. Sixth Form students are offered a well -rounded curriculum, along with the privilege of study periods in its dedicated Private Study Area. The School goes above and beyond in encouraging students to participate in Societies and extracurricular activities, helping to build essential social and life skills that will benefit them at university and beyond. As an external student, I can't emphasise enough how warmly I’ve been welcomed by both former primary school peers and new classmates. Overall , my time at Heston’s has been very positive and I feel very confident that I will achieve well and go on to my first choice university. Liya Ludhra The transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form is a significant shift. In the Sixth Form, we have more independence and dive deeper into our chosen subjects, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, with smaller class sizes, it becomes much easier to engage with your teachers and clarify any areas of confusion. One of the biggest advantages of the Sixth Form is that you get to select subjects that genuinely interest you. Studying something you enjoy can make a big difference, as it mot ivates you to complete your work with more enthusiasm. With greater independence comes the need to stay organised and manage your time well . The Sixth Form Centre provides a great space for independent study, whether you are pre-reading for lessons, catching up on homework, or revising. This not only helps you build confidence but also prepares you for future challenges. I ’m very happy that I made the decision to stay on at Heston and I ’m opt imistic about my grades at the end of Year 13. Natalia Baranowska Settling into Sixth Form has been a mix of emotions. It is quite exciting as I was able to choose the subjects I’m interested in. Post 16 studies do come with far more freedom but also greater responsibility. I believe we are being prepared well to manage our work load and to organise ourselves so that we are not overwhelmed. However, there were also areas in which I felt nervous being in an environment with new people and worried about the work load. My fantastic teachers have allayed my concerns and I ’m already making good progress. Overall sixth form has been a great experience so far and I ’m looking forward to the next two years. YEAR 13 STUDENTS BENEFIT FROM SUMMER WORK EXPERIENCE I was very fortunate to benefit from a two-week fast track programme at NCS with Reia where I took part in the Enable, Empower and Elevate workshops. In the first week, we participated in cooking skills, as well as visited Sky Headquarters as part of careers p r omo t i o n . I n t h e second week, we did a social action project for Ealing about wellbeing and we worked with a p r o f e s s i o n a l psycho l og i st , CAMHS members, social media coordinator and the under 18 professional f o o t b a l l e r s f r o m Brentford FC. We created flyers, posters and I directed a video that, once fully edited, will be published and flyers and posters would be sent to GPs to put on their notice board. We met Ben Mee, who is a football player from the Premier League and presented everything we did as a whole. Kiranpreet Gill [13F]
6 STAFF COFFEE MORNING On Friday 27 September, Heston staff members hosted their annual coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer support. The event was a roaring success, raising £99.05. The large variety of goods donated echoed the values shared by staff at Heston. As always, a team effort with excellent results! Y9 MATCH REPORT Heston v. Reach 1–1 The match ended in a draw, with the defence standing tall from start to finish. The defenders played a pivotal role, repeatedly shutting down attacks and keeping their cool under pressure. Younger players also made a mark, combining energy and creativity in mid-field to drive the team forward. Their contributions added balance and flair to the performance, showcasing the squad's depth and potential while securing a hard-fought point. YEAR 11 EXAM PREPARATION DAY During the exam preparation day, I was able to focus on my Language Paper 2 skills in the morning in an extended session of English. This was useful as it was a reminder of what we had covered in Year 10 and has enabled me to be further prepared for my GCSEs in the summer. Additionally, in the afternoon, I was able to work with my Maths teachers to review my mock exam paper. This helped me as I was able to address any misconceptions or misunderstandings. Overall, it was really useful for me to spend time focusing on my core subjects, English and Maths. Ayman Ikhlef [11B] On Exam Preparation Day I was not in my normal timetabled classes. Instead, I spent the day working with my English and Maths teachers to prepare me for my upcoming GCSEs in the summer. In my classes we all worked really hard to improve our overall understandings of the exam papers and how we could be successful in those exams in the summer. It was really important for me to think about the skills I needed in Language Paper 2 and both the calculator and non -calculator exams in Maths. I think this day was really beneficial for Year 11 as it was different to our normal lessons and made me feel more conf ident overall about Maths and English exams. Tanu Vijay [11W] Exam Preparation Day was a great experience for all Year 11 students, specif ically for me. I worked with my English teacher to develop my knowledge and understanding of how to compare and evaluate for Language Paper 2. We also explored writing non - fiction arguments. This helped me develop both my reading and writ ing skills for this paper. It was useful to be able to look at the mark schemes and model answers. I also spent time with my maths teachers where we reviewed the mark scheme for the papers we sat during the mocks, which helped me understand where I went wrong. This makes me feel like during the next exams I’ll be able to do even better in these subjects. Savraj Dhesi [11R] HESTON CELEBRATES BLACK HISTORY MONTH The trip was very educational for us all. We listened to a variety of advocates talk about the different aspects of the Afro-Caribbean contribution to the United Kingdom. It was interesting to learn more about the immigrants who came from all over the world after the war and whilst this was focused on people from the Caribbean, they have all influenced our current cultural landscape. It was interesting to learn about the small black population recorded since the 18th century. In my opinion, the entire experience was eye-opening for all who attended, because the forgotten past of black history is helping shape its future and will always be a significant part of British History. We also toured the stadium, which was gorgeous and very well kept. We were all able to see the inner workings of the stadium and were able to see what it’s like for the players, whether they’re playing at home or away. Luna Augusto Velasco [10W]
7 Students from our Year 10 GCSE Geography classes spent the day in Hengistbury Head on Thursday and Friday. They had the opportunity to put everything we have taught them in class, finally in action outside! They all had a great day measuring the beach width and longshore drift, ready to prepare them for their paper 3 examination next year. This year we had the opportunity to see the coastal management being repaired / restored. They found this fascinating, and were able to see how large rock boulders are transported from one side of the beach to another. They all enjoyed themselves, and were happy that it was a lovely sunny day! P O S T 1 6 G Y M T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N S I am very grateful for the f ree gym we are able to use in our spare t ime. You can f inish your lessons and then just go to the gym on the school si te. This f reedom has al lowed me to progress in my physical wel l-being and reduce my stress levels. The school gym provides access to speci f ic faci l i t ies and equipment tai lored for younger people, which can be benef icial for those who are just start ing their f i tness journey. The f riendly and support ive environment al lows you to achieve your goals wi thout fear. I would def ini tely recommend my peers to take advantage of this benef icial opportuni ty as i t fosters a growth in our cogni t ive performance, which in turn enhances our academic capabi l i t ies. Angelina Tihhomirova [12F] Al l Sixth Form students are able to use the school gym on their hal f days and through the gym, a smal l communi ty has been created. This has fostered lots of support between students on how to get the best work out and how to make the best use of the equipment. It is real ly impor tant to us as Sixth Formers that the school has provided the induct ion and supervision but has al lowed us al l to work on our f i tness goals. The gym al lows students to not just better their physical heal th but also improve their mental heal th. Ben Rixon [12A] HENGISTBURY HEAD
8 BRENTFORD FOOTBALL CLUB ASSEMBLY Mr Fakouri and Sam took us to visit the National Archives. When we arrived, we were greeted by one of the lovely curators. We learnt about famous black people who had contributed a lot to society. For example, we learnt about Hezikiah Moscow who was an up and coming boxer. He was faced with racism and then went missing. He was never found and there are no clues to his whereabouts. We saw documents and pictures of him from more than 100 years ago. We also saw census entries from 1911. The workshop was very interesting and made me want to know more. On our tables, we had a designated person we had to learn about through texts and photographs. I feel as if this activity has improved my inference skills and my knowledge of the black community in an engaging and enjoyable way. Danvir Singh [8G] NATIONAL ARCHIVES VISIT – BLACK HISTORY On 14 October, Year 12 students had an exciting assembly delivered by Mark from Brentford FC Youth Projects. Students were informed about the range of free educational and sports workshops offered by the Club over the October half-term break. There was also lots of information about the NCS programme and why students should sign up, especially as participation presents a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their skills across all aspects of life, from cooking and the arts, personal brand, employability skills and social action projects that make a big impact on the community. DANCE AND DRAMA STUDIOS We are delighted to announce the reintroduction of Dance into our School curriculum for all KS3 students. Our new Dance Studio and refurbished Drama Room have wowed students as they have returned to School this September. We are excited to be offering a range of Expressive Arts enrichment activities, providing our students with opportunities to be creative and stretch and develop all their talents.
9 On Friday, 04 of October, Year 13 students spent the entire day prepar i ng for t he i r Post 18 destinations by focusing on university and apprenticeship applications. This involved receiving some in-depth feedback on their personal statements and fine-tuning their university choices to ensure they are in line with predicted grades. The School is thrilled to continue its long-standing relationship with Peter Rawling, a PiXL Club expert who uses his years of experience to offer bespoke advice and interview preparation to early applicants for Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry and Oxbridge. This year, Peter was particularly impressed by the calibre of our students and the progress they had made with their personal statements and wider reading. All students finished the day feeling positive and optimistic about their future prospects, reporting they now felt more confident as university applicants. One student said “On behalf of the Year 13s, thank you for your support during AMD. We truly appreciate the advice and time you dedicated to us.” H Naqvi [Head of Sixth Form] FLU VACCINATIONS Nurses from Vaccinations UK attended school on Friday, 18 October to administer the Flu nasal spray, OR the nongelatine IM Flu vaccine to KS3 and KS4 students. Flu can be a very unpleasant il lness causing fever, stuffy nose, dry cough, sore throat , aching muscles and joints, and extreme t iredness. This can last several days or more. Vaccines help protect children from what can be very nasty i llnesses. They can help avoid disruption to education and having to miss out on the things chi ldren enjoy. They also reduce the spread of flu to others, and in turn help to protect fami lies. The recommendation is for an annual flu vaccination as the virus changes every year. The vaccine is administered as a nasal spray and is absorbed quickly in the nose. There are minimal side effects of the vaccine such as runny or blocked nose, headache, general tiredness, which are much better than developing full -blown flu and its complications. The next session is planned for Tuesday, 26 November for a 'mop up' session. OXFORD - SOMERVILLE COLLEGE TRIP OCTOBER 2024 It was very interesting to learn that the Oxford application process takes place across several months for all the colleges. It was nice to meet undergraduates and learn more about the interview and selection process. They were keen to emphasise that they are searching for applicants who demonstrate not just academic success but who also have extensive super-curricular, as well as extracurricular activities and passions that they can use to support their application. After lunch, we were taken on a tour of the Somerville College grounds, which included the library, café, gardens and chapel. I’m confident as always that my peers and I have a good chance of being selected to study at a prestigious university such as Oxford. Sianna Punn [12G] POST 18 TRANSITION DAY
10 PUNEET BANSAL - BORGEN PROJECT AMBASSADOR On Monday, 21 October our Year 12 stutents had the privilege of hearing from one of our alumni, Puneet Bansal, who is currently in her final year studying Economic at Bristol University. Puneet Bansal: “After I published my research paper on period poverty, I was selected to present the research at the Institute of Development Studies conference entitled 'Poverty Reduction: Rethinking Policy and Practice.' This was such a fantastic opportunity because I was the youngest presenter and I think they were surprised to find out that I was an undergraduate! There was a Development Economics professor from Bristol who got in touch with me later as he was impressed. We met for coffee and discussed careers and his research. I interned in Bali for all of June working on an incredible consultancy project! I helped support local businesses in Bali, from issues related to reducing plastic usage in Indonesia to devising strategies to work with local schools and universities. I lived with a homestay family who were so lovely and I had such a culturally immersive experience.” I am now heading into my final year of my undergraduate studies and I am thinking of applying for a Masters; my possible choices include: 1) LSE: MSc Development Management 2) LSE: MSc Health and International Development 3) King's College London: MSc Emerging Economies and International Development It was a pleasure to visit my old school and see the familiar faces of the teachers who supported my education. It was also nice to spend time with the Year 12 and 13 students as I remember very well my own time in school and the benefits I earned from hearing the stories of alumni. MORE ABLE EVENING It was delightful to see so many determined students, with a fervent d e s i r e t o t h r i v e academically attending the More Able Evening. As a keynote speaker, I navigated my Hestonian peers through my GCSE journey Including: • My revision routine • M y m e t i c u l o u s choices at home and in class • C a p i t a l i s i n g o n s e e k i n g s u p p o r t from teachers • how to make the m o s t o f m o c k examinations • The ways in which m y p a r e n t s supported me • A d v i c e f o r maintaining positive mental health during this time • Extra and super - curricular activities I have engaged in [and some that I engage in now] • Useful websites for purchasing revision guides • Revision techniques and materials. All of this enabled the met amor phos i s f rom mere dreams in my heart to reality sealed in the final envelope. Alisha Rizwan [13A]
11 SENIOR TEAM 2024 Being a member of the Senior Team is an incredible opportunity that I am grateful for. I am confident that it will provide me with capacity to lead and to make a positive impact on our school community in the hope of leaving it in a better place than when I entered. I applied for the position of Head Boy as I wanted to create a supportive and inclusive environment where students feel heard and empowered as stakeholders of our school. Being Head Boy to me, means being a role model and a voice for my peers, as well as closely working with staff and students to address the issues that matter to us all. I look forward to and am especially excited to initiate projects that encourage community engagement, such as Cultural Fusion and volunteering projects with local charities, like the annual Food Drive. I am confident that initiatives such as these will help to strengthen our community here at Heston. I intend to carry out my tenure as Head Boy dutifully and am enthusiastic about the future ahead. Solanus Viegas — Head Boy [12A] Being a part of the senior team is a privilege and an exciting opportunity to contribute to our school in many meaningful ways by helping shape its future. The senior team will allow me to leave my own mark on the school by participating in a variety of school events as well as the student council. This will mean that I will be able to refine my leadership and communication skills. Being Head Girl will be an incredibly rewarding experience and I want to lead by example and work on a variety of initiatives that will help make a difference to my school. I look forward to helping with many upcoming projects which celebrate the diversity of our school, such as Cultural Fusion and other events that highlight the sense of community at Heston. These initiatives will help me with making a lasting contribution to the school and I am thrilled about working with the rest of the Senior Team to continue to create a welcoming school environment. Solanus and I take great pleasure in introducing the Senior Team. Neda Noorazi — Head Girl [12D] KEY STAGE 4 FITNESS This Club takes place in the School’s purpose built gym, which is accessible to members of staff and students. There is an abundance of equipment for our use and these replicate any other gym, anywhere else. In this Club, health and safety is prioritised as much as us being pushed to our limits and being guided on how to use the equipment safely and to its full potential. Being able to take advantage of this Club creates many opportunities to clear your mind, learn how to implement exercise into your life and socialise. These are all significant things to have in your life, especially as a student , due to the increase in workload and stress levels, as I am now doing my GCSEs. Even though it can be difficult to prioritise your health, as it may seem that your academic life is meant to be above all else, a club, like this one, can be an outlet, a d i s t r a c t i o n a n d e v e n something you can look forward to. It is a well spent hour for me on Thursdays. Luna Augusto Velasco [10W]
12 ARSENAL VS CHELSEA WOMENS' FOOTBALL MATCH A few weeks ago, I was a b l e t o w a t c h a n un f orge t t ab l e f oot ba l l match at the Emirates S t a d i um. My o v e r a l l e x p e r i e n c e wa t c h i n g Arsenal Girls vs Chelsea Girls football match was amazing. The atmosphere was electric and the stadium was roaring with tons of spectators who responded to every goal and near miss as if we were at a Champions League match. The stands were packed to capacity w i t h e n t h u s i a s t i c supporters from both sides. Going to this football match made me smile with joy and made me more determined to attend as many matches as possible. Football in general is a fierce and exuberant sport. Overall, my e x p e r i e n c e w a s exciting and so enjoyable for a nice day-out. Sonia Arora [8W] OPEN EVENING The School hosted its annual Open Day on 01 October for potential Year 6 students joining Heston’s Year 7 in September 2025. After a short presentation in the Main Hall from the Headteacher and students, approximately 40 parents and Year 6 students toured the School with Year 9s acting as guides, while lessons were taking place. Parents and students gave some lovely feedback to Senior staff during the question and answer session that took place in the library before they left our site. In the evening, the Main Hall was filled with parents and Year 6 students to hear presentations, followed by a tour with student guides from Years 8 -11. The experience allowed families to see Heston at its best with lots of positive praise for students, staff and our site. We look forward to welcoming the new Year 7 students on their Induction Day on 04 July 2025.
13 Celebration Evening was a divine way to manifest the School’s recognition of the remarkable workethic of its students, congregate the community in spirit and propagate aspirations for the future. Upon entering, I was greeted by a wealth of smiles from the dedicated Senior Team members welcoming attendees into the school , and a jovial atmosphere as they were served a multitude of appetisers. Subsequently, everyone became seated in the Hall as Mr Berdesha commenced the presentation, followed by current Year 13 student speeches. Students straddling across Years 8-11 were nominated for their varied achievements in each academic discipline. In turn, each student’s name was called, they euphorically ascended the stage and received their certificate from the Leader of the Council , Cllr Shantanu Rajawat, who was our guest speaker this year. Celebration Evening itself deserves a celebration for its success! Alisha Rizwan [13A] CELEBRATION EVENING ROAD SAFETY The r e wa s an ext e rna l company that came to teach us about road safety with a small pantomime. It was interest ing as the play a dd r e s s e s t he c ommo n scene that we see every day; people walking with their phones out , not pay ing a t t e n t i o n t o w h a t i s happening around them. The road is a busy place with lots of moving vehicles, bikes and cars with so much more. I really enjoyed it because it was a type of real - life scenario. This assembly was crucial for the ages 11 – 15, this is because we now gain access to the ability to have a phone. We get older and develop new abilit ies b u t f o r g e t t h e ma i n warnings our teachers and parents teach us. Some people are so addicted they cannot live without phones, this assembly showed us the d a n g e r s o f p a y i n g attent ion. Erinpreet Kaur [7Y] We had the pleasure of hav ing external speakers enter our school and put up a show for Road Safety. It was a great way to s howca se t he po t ent i a l dangers of using our phones on busy roads, emphasising the need to be aware of our surroundings. This assembly was crucial for 11-16 year old students, as now that we are older , we believe that we can do things that we were taught not to do before. These t ho ug h t s c a n l e a d t o impulsive decisions that may a f f e c t o u r l i v e s o r surrounding ones. Dur ing the assembly , I learnt that you should not have any distract ions on the road and one example is your phone. Normally, when you enter secondary school, your parents will give you a phone and the screen can be addict ing to the point where your eyes are pract ically glued to them. Now this is a large problem, especially on the road as there might be a car coming and, since you are not looking, you won’t not ice it approaching. Mila Chen [7G]
14 AMAZON AND TAYLOR WESSING LAW INSIGHT DAY I r e c e n t l y part icipated in the Amazon and Taylor Wessing Insight Law event at the Brentford FC Community Hub, and it was a fantastic experience. I met a v a r i e d g r o u p o f professionals who work in different fields from Amazon and Taylor Wessing. We took part in different activities that enhanced my skills i n c ommu n i c a t i o n , d e b a t e , p r o b l e m - solving, and teamwork. E n g a g i n g i n discussions, tasks, and presentations allowed us to learn extensively while being part of a lively and cooperative atmosphere . Overal l , we found the event immensely enjoyable, i n s i g h t f u l , a n d inspiring. Thank you to Mr. Green and Mr. Naqvi for giving us the o p p o r t u n i t y t o have such a wonderful experience! Jaidev Chahal [12C] WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY Drop Everything And Read [DEAR] At School, from Year 7 t hrough Year 9 a l l students read for a minimum of 20 minutes a d a y t h r o u g h D r o p Everything And Read. Our Learning Coordinators check our book choices every assembly when we go into assembly with our DEAR books for a very orderly and calm start. I like DEAR because we get to read about what we enjoy and engage our thoughts about books. Also, we don’t have to think about anything stressful for 20 minutes and it is great to reduce stress and increase wellbeing. We get to read any book we like, no matter if it’s our own personal book or the library's. It 's important because it helps us increase our vocabulary. My current book is ‘The Climbers’ because I like how adventurous it is. It allows me to escape once a day. Jannat Siddique [7Y] DEAR: One word. Four letters. Eternal consequences. DEAR is the structure of your journey to the GCSEs, so you can call it one of the most important parts of your time in school. Who knew that just 30 minutes, just 30, can help your English and literature so much. My writing skills have developed exponentially over time, giving me more and more confidence. During World Mental Health Day, teachers showed their commitment to their mental health and reading via partaking in DEAR too! It was inspiring to see. Zayd Rahman [8G]
15 AUTHOR VISIT AND YEAR 7 SCHOLARS In the LRC, we met the author of The Bike shed Bully Hunter series, Nathanial Thomlinson. During this remarkable experience, we got to learn about this amazing author, what inspired him and asked questions related to reading and writing. We created a scenery from our own imagination, as the setting is one of the most important parts of a book, and transformed it into a short story. Mine was about the four elemental nations working together until the fire nation attacked. We discussed our favourite genres too. Mine was the Gothic genre. I enjoyed learning how a setting from your own imagination can create a beautiful image in your mind and that writing needs to flow and link together. I have to admit, I also really enjoyed the snacks too. These factors can support me in my studies because now I will be able to more easily do creative writing and will freely use my imagination. With a variety of genres, I will be able to use different perspectives for each piece of writing. Thanks to Mr Thomlinson, I have fixed one of the things that was missing in my writing. Tanek Madan [7W] Start of my story Mako stared at the ceiling of his hut, it was snowing outside, again. He wished he belonged to any of the other nations, l ife was so monotonous in the water tribe. Wake up, eat breakfast, have a nap, stare at his ceiling, sleep, eat and then repeat. There was no action. Mako wanted to boast his awesome water bending. "Lunch is ready!" his mother said loudly. It wasn't a shout, more like the sweet call of a mother. He already knew what was for lunch; squid stew, again. Mako took a step outside and his feet instantly sunk into the snow. But that 's not what got his attention. The snow was black? All of the tribe's people froze and there was absolute silence. BEN'S WORK EXPERIENCE VISIT TO BYD Hel lo, I am Ben, current ly in Y e a r 1 2 a t H e s t o n Community School . Whi le on work experience placement with the London Borough of Hounslow 14-19 Service, I had the amazing opportunity to visit BYD. BYD is an excit ing, rapidly expanding company that is revolut ionising the electric vehicle world. BYD are the manufacturer for the brand - new electric buses that are being launched to replace the existing diesel fleet , with one of their sites [responsible for admin and engineering] being based in the Borough of Hounslow. BYD buses already account for roughly 20% of the Transport for London fleet through a previous joint venture with ADL. They are c o m m i t t e d t o g i v i n g oppo r t un i t i e s t o y oung people in a vastly developing i n d u s t r y w i t h n e w technology with the support of the Borough of Hounslow. BYD do not just work with buses, they also have a l ine of cars and motors which are some of the safest in the industry. BYD ha s a numbe r of excit ing opportunit ies in the pipel ine and our Employment and Ski l ls Team wi l l be working with them as they cont inue to grow. Watch this space for further detai ls. Head to the BYD website to find out more about their battery technology and their mission to change the world by creat ing a complete, clean-energy ecosystem that reduces the world’s rel iance on fossi l fuels and how they are dedicated to making publ ic transport emissionfree. Ben Rixon [12A] We attended two sessions where we received targeted exam support for our subjects. During these sessions, our teachers discussed different approaches to exam-style questions and provided additional insights on key topics and common exam questions to aid our revision. They also took the time to review challenging topics and offered practical tips on how to tackle them effectively. We were given a range of resources to help us prepare for both the upcoming January Mock exams and our A-Level exams. I found these sessions valuable in deepening my understanding of crucial areas of the specification and the exam format. The teachers were supportive, and I left the sessions feeling much more confident and better equipped for my A-Level exams. Abdur-Raheeem [13B] The day was quite useful as we got to do a walkthrough of a paper in English and had an exam in Maths. I think it will really help me in my January mocks as I now have an understanding of what Language Paper 2 will be like and how to answer the questions. The Maths test also helped me recall questions from last year that I had forgotten about. Harnoor Kaur [11G] ACADEMIC MENTORING DAY YEAR 11 AND 13 EXAMINATION SUPPORT SESSIONS
16 ALUMNI VISIT FROM TANISHA ANAND, CLASS OF 2021—14 NOVEMBER 2024 It was a truly rewarding experience to return to Heston Community School and deliver a talk to students. From discussing Russell Group university options and career paths with Year 7s to providing in-depth career advice and degree breakdowns to Sixth Formers, it felt amazing to share the knowledge and insights that this school helped me to obtain. Now working as a Marketing Executive in Mayfair, London, it ’s easy to get caught up in busy daily life, but coming back to the School that shaped me into who I am today was a powerful reminder of my journey. I was inspired by students’ ambitions; one student , aged 11, even shared their worries about university, only for a peer to reassure them, saying they looked up to older siblings who had been to university and found success. Sixth Formers also shared their thoughts about moving away from the comfort of Hounslow, something I experienced when I went to the University of Warwick – some of the best years of my life. I felt proud to share my story and talk about how those experiences helped shape my career today. Tanisha Anand STUDENT COUNCIL 2024 – 2025 The entire student council met in the Sixth Form Centre to discuss the topics for our meeting with Mr O'Hagan for the following week. In this first meeting, representatives from each tutor group discussed their thoughts on the Trackit Light system and how it has improved lessons and behaviour across the School. We were also very happy to report on some other areas that we have had a huge influence on changing; these were the toilets and more sports enrichment activities in the school gym. We also discussed ideas about what should be the next main focus of the student council for this school year. During the meeting with the main reps from each year group, students reported that they thought the Trackit Light system was overall a successful idea, as they mentioned that it helps the flow of the lesson and helps to remind students about the expectations of the teacher. The next area to be reviewed is the behaviour amongst students outside the classroom, as one student mentioned that the new system in place could have caused shifts in behaviour outside of lessons. We are confident that, as always in our meetings with the Headteacher and the Deputy Headteacher, that we will be listened to and that our ideas where possible will be used to make the school community better for us all. Katharine Massey-Jones [9P]
17 Our annual Careers Fair is our flagship event, which invites a wide range of employers, universities, colleges and apprenticeship providers, to join us here at Heston Community School. We invite students and their parents/carers from all year groups, to access information to support at all key transition stages. The purpose of the evening is to provide the opportunity to gather information relating to possible routes into different careers or study from a range of providers. We had several talks that took place during the evening, which were well attended. Students and their parents/carers had the opportunity to engage in valuable conversations with the exhibitors and take away resources to help them to continue to explore options. Feedback was very positive and we look forward to holding this again in the future. Ms A Laing [Careers Advisor] The Careers Fair helped me widen my opportunities and helped me look at different career paths for the future. I experienced different pathways for careers. It also helped me look at different options for post 16 and post 18. It helped me gather information for my decision for A-levels. It was a very fun and interesting experience. Manmeet Sidhu [110] The Career Fair really helped me get input from different colleges. I had an interest in West London college beforehand but the Careers Fair helped me venture into different post-16 options and subjects. I believe that the Careers Fair helps younger years such as years 7 to 9 and inspires them to explore different jobs and prospects. Magdalena Budai [11Y] The Careers Fair helped me to realise the massive number of opportunities I have with my subjects and how I can further advance my skills in order to apply them to my further studies in Sixth Form. It has also helped me find my passion in a career and different A-Levels. Kabeer Khan [11B] The Careers Fair was very insightful! We had the opportunity to speak with universities, apprenticeship providers, and former students. I especially enjoyed my conversation with Iman, a former student who is currently completing a Level 4/5 apprenticeship. He shared some websites and resources he used to prepare for interviews. Since then, I have taken the initiative to attend a university taster day and arranged a one-day work experience. Bob Ryatt [12D] The "Getting into Medicine" talk gave me the chance to ask questions about admission tests and the best ways to prepare for the UCAT exams. The talk reinforced my ambition to study medicine in the future. The speaker's determination and passion for the profession was inspiring, and I hope that one day, I’ll be able to come back as a speaker myself. Neda Noorzai [12D] BRITISH MUSEUM TRIP My experience of the visit to the British Museum was amazing. Th e r e we r e ma n y different statues that d e p i c t e d d i f f e r e n t countries and their customs, along with c l ot hes , be l ong i ngs and, at one point, projections on the walls telling a story. The thing I really liked about this experience was learning about so many different religious pieces, such as a t u r ban f r om ea r l y Sikhism. Sanvi Dhal [9P] On this trip to the British Museum I saw many things, but the o n e t h a t r e a l l y interested me was the mummies and the fact that they were the actual bodies of the Kings. It interested me because it was amazing to see how they were wrapped up and in their original coffins from Ancient Egyptian times. Brandon Amblavaney [9P] CAREERS FAIR
18 SKY TOURS Participating in the Sky trip was an incredibly enjoyable and educational experience. I had the opportunity to act as a director, honing my skills in green screen editing and filming. The advanced equipment we used was impressive and added to the overall excitement of the experience. Watching the process unfold in real - time was fascinating, especially when I observed a professional news reporter at work. Additionally, meeting the Head of Sky Sports and having the chance to ask him questions was a highlight , providing valuable insights into the industry. Noor Waris [12C] The recent trip to Sky proved to be a memorable and fun experience. The opportunity to explore surroundings I was unfamiliar with, which allowed for broadened perspectives. I would argue the trip helped me come out of my comfort zone, as I was confidently speaking on camera as a news reporter. The trip also provided valuable time for relaxation away from my daily routines. I 'm thankful I was offered a place on this trip, because I personally feel like I 've picked up a lot from it , such as the ability to work in a team under pressure and being able to improve my time management skills. Sarah Khadar [12C] ARMISTICE DAY Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day, is observed on 11 November to honour the bravery and sacrifice of those who served in wars, especially in the World Wars. This day marks the end of World War I, when, on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" in 1918, an armistice ended the fighting. Each year on 11 November, people pause in a moment of silence, wearing poppies as a tribute to those who fought and to ensure that their sacrifices are never forgotten. One enduring symbol of Remembrance Day is the red poppy. During World War I, red poppies bloomed on the battlefields of Flanders, standing out amid the destruction. These flowers are symbols of life and resilience amongst the graves of fallen soldiers. The red poppy came to symbolise both the beauty of resilience and the blood that had been spilt on the battlefields. It represented remembrance, hope, and a promise that those who had died would not be forgotten. In many countries, wearing a red poppy has become a way to pay tribute and remember the soldiers who gave their lives for peace, and the civilians who lost their lives in the crossfire. Remembrance Day/Armistice Day is important because it ensures that the lessons of the past are not forgotten. By showing respect to the memories of those who served, we remind ourselves of the devastation that war brings and the preciousness of peace. This day reminds us to honour the past and work toward a more compassionate world. Our school plays a vital role in recognising and commemorating Armistice Day, helping students understand its significance and bravery of those who served. On 11 November, staff and students observe 2 minutes of silence to commemorate the fallen soldiers. During November, art projects done by students line the walls; portraits of poppies and symbols of peace are hung to remind students that only in the darkest times do the stars shine. By involving students in these activities, our school ensures that we will always remember the sacrifices made, the legacy of Armistice Day and to appreciate the value of peace. Tenay Chak [13D]