Sports and Well-Being Reps Get Into Action At Heston!
Walking around school, you may notice some students wearing blue Rep badges; some are for Sports, and some are for Well-Being.
These students have taken on the role of representing Sports and Well-Being because they value their own fitness and they want to help other students get and stay active. You will be seeing more of them this year and next as they continue to promote fitness for all.
A positive attitude and weekly club participation are key. Our Sports and Well-Being Reps already feel the massive benefits of investing time and effort into their own health.
There is so much to gain when a student tries a Sports or Well-Being club. Ben in 10W says, “Badminton is fun and helps me with my Cambridge National course. You get to play the game with lots of different students and we all help each other improve. I really recommend trying a club as you always feel healthier afterwards.”
Rihanna, 10W, who captains the Basketball team, is also a Sports Rep. She says, “It makes me feel happy and free. In the future, I aspire to be a professional basketball player and get sponsorships from businesses. I also want to be a role model – I know that practising and commitment can make a difference.“ Anerly, 10W, also loves Basketball, she finds that “after school, it relieves stress.”
Simrit, 7B, attends Basketball club every week and feels that “my shooting and ball control have got better and better. I feel confident about matches. Everybody in our team works together and co-operates.”
Another member of 7B, Ilyas H, also loves Sports and regularly represents the school in fixtures against other local secondary schools. ''I enjoy playing football, basketball and cricket because they stop me just getting distracted by my phone which is just a waste of time, you aren’t doing anything productive. These clubs also keep me healthy'
Our Year 8 Football team has had an impressive run of victories this year, Mohammed, 8O, is a member of the team as well as a Sports Rep. He says, ”I enjoy playing new people at the fixtures. I attend the club practices every week. We learn new tactics, new ways of warming up and stretches.”
Some students would rather focus on individual well-being. Not everyone enjoys competition, however all of us can try to reach our own personal best in terms of fitness.
Rawda in 7O says, “I'd definitely recommend Yoga club for anyone who might be having a tough time right now or may be slipping into some bad habits.”
Anusha, 7W, adds, “The exercises we do can be a bit tiring, but after I leave, I feel refreshed and relaxed.”
Matas, 9Y, says he is trying Boxercise, “because it will make me feel more energetic and stronger.”
Fia, 8W, has been training in Boxercise since October and is “quicker, stronger and more focussed. The coach is great, he really helps us to feel confident.”