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Year 8 watch A Monster Calls

On Friday, 24 May, the English Team rewarded a group of Year 8 students for their effort and engagement with a trip to the theatre at The University of West London, Ealing. We watched a play version of Patrick Ness’s award-winning novel ‘A Monster Calls’. Below are some student reviews of the production.

The trip to the production 'A Monster Calls' was an incredibly useful opportunity for all the Year 8s that went. My favourite part was the lighting on the set, as it created a sense of mystery and set a serious tone. Overall, it was a fantastic experience.” Snehdeep Dhailwal [8G]

The trip was super enjoyable. We took the tube to the University of West London where we watched a play called ‘A Monster Calls’. The play was fantastic, there were a lot of themes and it was so interesting. It gave me a different perspective on how to view things and taught me a lot. Overall, the trip was an amazing experience and I am so thankful to be able to go on it!Lana-Maria Januda [8O]

Personally, I loved the play. It had amazing sound effects, lighting and used creative ideas to bring the whole play together. But best of all was the acting. I really felt like I was in the play and not once did the actors break character. The actors themselves took the time at the end to talk to us, which was a real privilege. I’d like to thank the actors and the school for giving me this beautiful opportunity. Overall, it was very professional, and I would love to go back to see another play.Izabella Drescher [8B]