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Sarah Khadar

My transition from Lampton to Heston has been challenging, but with the support of the teachers, I’m becoming more and more confident that I have made the right choice. Initially, I felt nervous about meeting new people and adapting to a different environment. However, the welcoming atmosphere at Heston quickly put me at ease. The school emphasises that when students and teachers collaborate, achieving distinctions in BTEC courses is always possible. I’m truly grateful for making the move here.

 Khadhar Abdullai 

Heston Community School takes pride in its strong academic achievements and commitment to its core values. Sixth Form students are offered a well-rounded curriculum, along with the privilege of study periods in its dedicated Private Study Area. The School goes above and beyond in encouraging students to participate in Societies and extracurricular activities, helping to build essential social and life skills that will benefit them at university and beyond.

As an external student, I can't emphasise enough how warmly I’ve been welcomed by both former primary school peers and new classmates. Overall, my time at Heston’s has been very positive and I feel very confident that I will achieve well and go on to my first choice university.

Liya Ludhra

The transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form is a significant shift. In the Sixth Form, we have more independence and dive deeper into our chosen subjects, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, with smaller class sizes, it becomes much easier to engage with your teachers and clarify any areas of confusion.

One of the biggest advantages of the Sixth Form is that you get to select subjects that genuinely interest you. Studying something you enjoy can make a big difference, as it motivates you to complete your work with more enthusiasm.

With greater independence comes the need to stay organised and manage your time well. The Sixth Form Centre provides a great space for independent study, whether you are pre-reading for lessons, catching up on homework, or revising. This not only helps you build confidence but also prepares you for future challenges.  I’m very happy that I made the decision to stay on at Heston and I’m optimistic about my grades at the end of Year 13.

Natalia Baranowska

Settling into Sixth Form has been a mix of emotions. It is quite exciting as I was able to choose the subjects I’m interested in.  Post 16 studies do come with far more freedom but also greater responsibility. I believe we are being prepared well to manage our work load and to organise ourselves so that we are not overwhelmed. However, there were also areas in which I felt nervous being in an environment with new people and worried about the work load. My fantastic teachers have allayed my concerns and I’m already making good progress.

Overall sixth form has been a great experience so far and I’m looking forward to the next two years.