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New Year 7 Students

My time at Heston Community School

Tawsul Humed 7B

So far, I am enjoying my time at Heston Community School. There are a wide range of subjects, subjects that are completely different from primary school. The schedule is unlike anything I was used to. This can be a very new, exciting experience for a lot of people. There were a lot of challenges I had to face but over time I got used to the rules and overcame them. In Year 6, I was thrilled about going to the Enrichment Clubs. I wanted to go to some Enrichment Clubs, such as art and cooking. I was afraid of getting lost and was shocked about how big this school is. Within 2 weeks, I knew where my lessons were. Meeting new people was an experience I was looking forward to. It was also uneasy and unsettling but now I am grateful being at Heston Community School.

My Experience!

Aaliyah Mutagonda 7B

From my own experience, Heston Community School is an excellent school. Even though I have only been here for two/three weeks, I am very comfortable and feel safe at this school. The teachers are nice and are very helpful. Everyone is very kind, and it is quite easy to meet new people and make friends, especially because you are always moving to different classes and joining new clubs and can even find many similarities and interests with other people. The older students are very considerate and they help us find our classes with respectfulness. This is one of the Hestonian Values which are; Respect, Honesty, Ambition, Kindness, Equality and Resilience. I believe the Hestonian Values make sense and are fair.

My Year 7 Experience.

Ayla Besic 7B

So far my year 7 experience has been astounding! All the staff and students have welcomed me with open arms and have never hesitated to help when I have needed it. Heston Community has been amazing as I have a marvellous Head of Year and amazing teachers who understand that year 7 can be hard to adjust to, but the teachers have made it feel a lot easier than it seems. Before I came to Heston I felt nervous that I would get lost and no one would help me, but guess what, it turns out I was wrong! The subjects in this school are like no other. In science, we have learnt how to use bunsen burners safely and we have also learnt how to make chocolate chip cookies and if you’re asking, of course they were yummy. Heston has been so welcoming and has always reassured me that we always have someone to talk to if we have any problems with anything. The best things that I have been taught here are the Hestonian Values: kindness, Honesty, Respect, Equality, Ambition and Resilience. All of these things make me feel proud to be a part of the Heston family.   

My time at Heston Community School

Tanek Madan 7W

My time at Heston Community School so far has been full of adventure, curiosity and overall, just an indescribable experience. The new friends I have made, the sympathetic teachers I have fill me up with joy every day I attend here. I can’t forget Mr Abdulla, our Head of Year, who has helped me since day one. When I first got to this school, I was scared of not making friends and had a big fear of being alone. But even though I have only been in this school for a short time, I can’t believe I even had that fear. The Hestonian values of Kindness, Respect, Equality, Resilience, Ambition and Honesty teach me ways of living that will support me throughout my whole life. Another quality about this school is the opportunities the School provides to boost confidence and help you to go the extra mile is the Enrichment. With a variety of clubs at lunchtime and after school, Heston gives you something that you might want to try or join to improve your skills.

I would like to thank this outstanding school for everything they are doing for us and I am sure in the coming years.