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Puneet Bansal - Borgen Project Ambassador

On Monday, 21 October our year 12s had the privilege of hearing from one of our alumni, Puneet Bansal, who is currently in her final year studying Economic at Bristol University. 

Puneet Bansal: “After I published my research paper on period poverty, I was selected to present the research at the Institute of Development Studies conference entitled 'Poverty Reduction: Rethinking Policy and Practice.' This was such a fantastic opportunity because I was the youngest presenter and I think they were surprised to find out that I was an undergraduate! There was a Development Economics professor from Bristol who got in touch with me later as he was impressed. We met for coffee and discussed careers and his research.

I interned in Bali for all of June working on an incredible consultancy project! I helped support local businesses in Bali, from issues related to reducing plastic usage in Indonesia to devising strategies to work with local schools and universities. I lived with a homestay family who were so lovely and I had such a culturally immersive experience.”

I am now heading into my final year of my undergraduate studies and I am thinking of applying for a Masters; my possible choices include:

1) LSE: MSc Development Management

2) LSE: MSc Health and International Development

3) King's College London: MSc Emerging Economies and International Development

It was a pleasure to visit my old school and see the familiar faces of the teachers who supported my education.  It was also nice to spend time with the Year 12 and 13 students as I remember very well my own time in school and the benefits I earned from hearing the stories of alumni.