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Career Ready Graduates

Sixth Form students graduate from the Career Ready programme

 Career Ready students with their certificates

Last year ten of our Sixth Form students took part in the Career Ready programme which involved them undertaking a range of skill building workshops and mentoring which culminated in the completion of a six week paid internship.

This programme has been hugely successful in building students confidence and awareness of the skills required to become successfully employable. This was evident from some of our students being offered full time employment through the organisations they did internships with. These organisations included Halifax Bank (Lloyds Banking Group), Freshfields, Accenture, GE, Seven Investment Management (7IM), Hounslow Council, IBM United Kingdom Limited and Octink.

 Samantha Coggins- Thompson & Phil Ward present Adam Patel with his student of the year awardThe students had their graduation event on Wednesday 2nd December where they received certification of completion of the programme and awards. Of these included the award for Intern of the year which was awarded to Adam Patel for his commitment and progress through the internship. He received his award from Headteacher, Phil Ward, and Samantha Coggins-Thompson, Chair of the Career Ready Local Advisory Board (pictured left).

We would like to thank all organisations involved for providing these opportunities as well as the Mentors who selflessly dedicated their time to supporting the students throughout the programme.


We are looking forward to the next group of Career Ready students (pictured below) having as successful a year as the Class of 2015.

 2016 Career Ready students