GCSE Mock Examination Results
Year 11 received their Mock results this week
After a week of examinations, and a few weeks of biting their nails, Year 11 anxiously received their mock results during their Assembly on Monday morning.
Ms Jassal, Learning Coordinator – Year 11, said: “They worked extremely hard and I am proud of what they have achieved. It was an eye opener for many, and a reminder that serious work is needed for the real GCSE exams. I am looking forward to celebrating in 9 months’ time when they will be opening their actual GCSE results.”
Ms Jassal is pictured above with six of the top performers - Jasmin Nittu, Anisha Kanwar, Jakub Saniukiewicz, Gurpartap Sagoo, Rajan Nahal and Naseefah Hossain.