Our curriculum intent is to have an ambitious and inclusive curriculum, that empowers our students to become life-long learners and successful global citizens. We want our Geography students to be globally and locally aware, inquisitive thinkers, compassionate members of society equipped with 21st century skills and responsible and sustainable planet inhabitants.
Students develop their knowledge of places, processes and environments at both a local and a global scale through following the A Level Geography programme of study. The curriculum enables students to progress from studying concrete examples to theoretical understanding; to being able to move beyond their own experiences; and to being able to draw conclusions on a range of scales – local regional, national and international. Students will devise their own fieldwork programme, exploring a chosen issue, collecting data and using this to reach a well-reasoned conclusion.Through a well-sequenced curriculum, we intend to embed knowledge and skills that challenge all learners.
Our curriculum is designed to cultivate a rich geographic vocabulary, enabling our students to think and write like a Geographer. Students are taught subject specialist and disciplinary language in an explicit and direct manner.
Geography is the fundamental subject of our times; given the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the content within the discipline, the subject provides a critical lens through which to explore wide variety of geographical concerns in the media such as the numerous issues to do with climate change to the impacts of inflation on our daily lives. As part of our Enriched and Society-centred curriculum students will explore the current controversial issues and learn to debate, whilst respecting the view points of others.
To raise aspirations and allow our students to make informed decisions about their future, we provide subject specific careers education. Students learn about educational and skill requirements for Geography based professions such as Cartographers, Climate Scientists, Hydrologists and Town Planners.
Our Curriculum Maps outline our curriculum design and the development of knowledge and skills in Years 12 and 13. The curriculum is adapted to support and challenge students with different starting points, whilst remaining ambitious for all. Students are examined on the AQA Specification in A Level Geography.
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