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News & Events

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  • Mental Health Awareness Talk

    Published 11/03/24

    The assembly was powerful. I appreciate Sergeant Patel sharing his journey with his battle with cancer and the impact this had on his mental health.  It brought home how important it is for us to talk about how we are feeling and to check up on each other as well.  His advice on focusing on your goals no matter what challenges you face is key with our exams around the corner.     

    Ezzeldine Darwish [13C]

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  • Year 13 Art Trip

    Published 11/03/24


    The trip was a fun and immersive event, walking through the exhibitions helped me to come up with new creative and innovative projects for my theme. I am sure it would have done the same for the rest of my class. It was also captivating to see that art has many forms, for example, shown on a hologram or displayed on a projector. I personally enjoyed the Serpentine Exhibition because it was a 3D motion of nature and all the motions overlaying. It was really calming to watch. 

    Riya Chana [13F]


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  • AWS GetIT Program

    Published 08/03/24

    Year 8 and 9 students are participating in My Journey in Tech Competition where we will design an app. At the end, our work will submit our app ideas, receive a certificate of completion and participate in the optional country-wide AWS GetIT competition. The presenter was excellent and got us all excited about the benefits of participating.

    Cyber Protectors!

    What is my app?

    • My app is called TechXplore. It is about exploring the internet and finding out ways to stay safe and protected online.
    • The app is directed towards children and will hopefully be able to help them with cybersecurity.

    Why am I making this app?

    • Many children nowadays usually use the internet every day. Unfortunately, using the internet comes with risks and the children may not know enough about how to protect themselves

    How will I educate children about using the internet safely?

    • With my app, users will explore a "tech world", hence the name "TechXplore". In this world, there will be strangers that will tell you suspicious stuff, such as "you need to change your password" or "click for free money".
    • With this main idea of the game, users will slowly begin to develop an idea of what is and is not safe. Additionally, if they get something wrong, there will be information to assist them.

    By Emil Ajroski [9P] and Team

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  • Richmond Hill Visit – Apprenticeship Week 2024

    Published 29/02/24

    Miriam from Richmond Hill Hotel, came to school to speak to Year 12 students about the range of opportunities in the hospitality sector.  We all learnt about the different roles and understood more about different career pathways in this exciting field. Miriam offered part-time work experience opportunities at the hotel, as well as apprenticeships for after A Levels. Overall, being able to learn from Miriam's presentation experience was a valuable learning opportunity that will undoubtedly enhance my future academic and professional endeavours in the field of hospitality.

    Kayli Clemente [12F]

    This presentation was really enlightening as I learnt about a career path that I've recently become interested in.  Miriam explained in detail how the world of hospitality worked and was really vivacious as she did, making me even more interested. She gave us an introduction to Richmond Hill Hotel and explained the various ways to get into hospitality, as well as describing the multitude of uses for Richmond Hill Hotel, including as a wedding venue. This was a wonderful experience and Miriam was a joy to talk to. The presentation was thorough and intriguing. I would like to use this opportunity to thank Richmond Hill Hotel and especially Miriam for this amazing opportunity.

    Aisha Hajiadam [12A]


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  • Securing a degree apprenticeship

    Published 21/02/24

    Old Hestonian shares the secrets to securing a coveted degree apprenticeship

    This was a great opportunity to ask questions regarding the interview and the assessment center process . We were able to have a one-to-one session with Mansour and during this session he gave us valuable tips for our upcoming apprenticeship interview with Airbus.   I am feeling far more confident and hope to emulate his success. 

    Zacchaeus Soares [13E]   

    I really enjoyed the session; I am inspired by Mansour's journey and want to take the apprenticeship route after my BTEC Level 3 course.  Mansour spoke about his extra curricula activities and how he got rejected for over 30 apprenticeships. I found the session informative and better understand what it takes to stand out from other candidates in order to secure an apprenticeship.

    Aakarshit Rana [12A]   

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  • Governor Open Day

    Published 09/02/24

    It is a great privilege to be the Vice-Chair of Governors at HCS. The very best part of supporting the school in this role, is when we meet the students at Governing Board Meetings and at Governor days. This year’s Governor Open Day did not disappoint; the students we met were a credit to HCS, they were hard working, confident, polite and highly engaged and motivated in their learning. The lessons which we observed were challenging, exciting and engaging. It was clear by what we saw that the children and staff at HCS work tirelessly to offer the very best to our community.

    Thank you to all staff and students who were involved in offering so many great opportunities to see how HCS achieves the fantastic outcomes that it does!

    Ms Fran Hooker - Vice-Chair of Governors [Deputy Headteacher of Heston Primary School]

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  • Homerton College West London School Tour

    Published 07/02/24

    On 19 January, Heston Year 10, 11 and 12 students attended an evening presentation on applying to Cambridge. The presentation was delivered by our link Cambridge college, Homerton. 

    The evening I attended provided by Homerton College was incredibly insightful and was enriched with helpful information regarding options for future pathways. It consisted of information with regard to courses, supervision, colleges, societies, and university life. I enjoyed how concise yet enriching it was. I was surprised at the number of courses available and the supervision, as I believe it is a great idea, being incredibly strengthening for students with their understanding of their courses.

    Iram Ali Hanif [12B]

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  • Heston Sports News

    Published 01/02/24

    Year 7 Basketball 

    Heston 15 Green School for Boys 18

    The Green School for Boys [GSfB] had a good start to the game taking a 7-2 lead in the first quarter. Some excellent defending by Cezar helped a second quarter comeback with Heston in the lead at half time score of 9-7. The third quarter went the way of GSfB; they took the lead again, 13-10. Heston in the final quarter showed a lot of determination to win, doing everything they could. Heston had a run of scores, swapping the lead multiple times with GSfB. Some excellent attacking play from Enver and Sonia scoring a number of baskets. The game could have gone either way, but GSfB ended up being the winner on this occasion, 15-18.


    Ahmed Grama, Stavarachi, Enver Daci, Naseem Noor, Aymen Mohamed, Harveer Singh, Josh Kainth, Tudor Filuta, Rashad Ahmed, Holly McCathy, Sonia Arora


    Year 8 Netball 

    Heston 8 Kingsley 0 

    The game started off to a good start. The girls worked very hard, their hard work and dedication in training had paid off. They worked very well together as a team, working the ball through the hands of each player into Holly and Migle. They all enjoyed the game, having fun playing together whilst securing a win. Onwards and upwards from here, where we take on Green School for Girls after half-term. Player of the match was Holly McCarthy for her excellent shooting skills, decision-making and hard work. 


    Ivy Nkansah, Pearl Kaur, Preetika Rajeswaran, Bianca Bolbocean, Migle Berankyte, Erika Gridan, Maryam Ali, Malak Bashir, Aisha Mohumad, Holly McCarthy 

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  • Year 12 Business Breakfast

    Published 01/02/24

    The Business Breakfast with the Year 13s provided an invaluable experience to learn from their  A Level journey.  They gave expert and succinct advice on revision tips, how to carefully manage leisure time and work at home  and how to revise efficiently. It gave us an opportunity to speak to students that will be sitting their A Levels in the Summer and who were doing the same subjects. It was reassuring to hear how confident they were about their university places and their exam grades, which really gave us all hope.  They explained all of their struggles and it was interesting to hear the lessons they had learnt in Year 12 so that we didn't have to make the same mistakes. 

    Additionally, the breakfast of croissants, pains au chocolat and juice created a more comfortable environment. It was the cherry on top for me!  

    Rianna [12G]

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  • Twelfth Night

    Published 24/01/24

    On 12 January, we were invited by the University of West London to watch Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare. This allowed the text to be brought to life, as we could get a sense of the lighting and music, as well as the jocular body language. The play proved beneficial, as we were able to gain an introduction to the play's key themes and ideas, and seeing it being explored in real life has really developed my understanding of the text, as I now feel confident tackling harder quotations and exam questions.  Furthermore, this play was extremely humorous, and some scenes were so hysterical, it was inevitable to laugh!

    As well as this, we were given the opportunity to speak to the actors and the director of the show, who were very friendly, and discussed not only the play, but careers in acting.  The director also talked us through some of her choices for the set, such as the clothing each character wore, and how she intended to challenge gender stereotypes. The University was very welcoming, as we were able to get a feel of the different courses they have to offer, such as Fashion or Aviation, as well as getting to see the student-run restaurant. Overall, the day was full of smiles and laughter, and I look forward to studying this play further!

    Amna Younus [12F] and Arshil Warsi [12F]

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  • Year 13 Healthcare Science students complete FFA Training

    Published 17/01/24

    I found the first aid training to be incredibly helpful because of its clear and practical approach. Having this opportunity to have first aid training will benefit me as I want to pursue a career in healthcare.  First aid training is also a vital life skill as it means that I can now respond to an emergency if needed, whether I am at home or out. The hands-on training allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in realistic scenarios, reinforcing my understanding and boosting my confidence in responding to emergencies that may occur. Moreover, the emphasis on recognising key signs and symptoms resonated with my practical skills, which means that I am now able to respond appropriately in an emergency. I can now use a defibrillator and administer lifesaving anaphylactic shots if needed.

    Elisha Kudhail [13F]

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  • HCS Annual Food Drive

    Published 17/01/24

    On Thursday, 20 December, I had the privilege of delivering our school's donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries to Hounslow Food Box.  This is an annual event; our students this year outdid themselves and were able to raise a sizeable cash donation alongside over 10 large boxes of food items.  Meeting with the volunteers at Hounslow Food Box to hand over the donations was a very rewarding experience and they were impressed with the clear effort and support of our students, and the amount of money we raised. 

    Uma [13F]

    I am so proud of our school for raising over £1000 to donate to the Hounslow Food Box.  The Hounslow Food Box is a local charity helping and supporting local people and so it is with great pride that we chose to raise funds for them to carry on with their amazing community outreach.  Students, teachers and parents came together to donate toiletries and food for those in need and the volunteers at the Food Box were so very grateful.

    Kaia [9Y


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