Career Academy Icebreaker
Career Academy students and mentors meet
A group of Heston Sixth Form students who were successful in gaining a place on the newly formed Career Academy met their mentors at a session in the LRC.
Mentors and students were welcomed by Margot Currie, Assistant Headteacher, who highlighted the great opportunity the Academy offers students and thanked the mentors for their help and support.
The students who were interviewed for places in this innovative scheme got to know more about all the mentors as well as the other students involved in an “Icebreaker” game. The game sees a giant ball thrown around the room and the catcher has to answer one of the questions on the ball e.g. What is your favourite sport/food/animal? Who makes you laugh? Describe one of your hobbies?
After this introduction the students met with their mentors for individual discussions. The next couple of meetings will take place at the mentors’ work place and Master Classes will be run at school before the Easter holiday. These involve outside speakers coming to address the students on either topics from their syllabus or to provide an insight into career opportunities to inspire the students. Paid internships and work experience will also be offered as part of the scheme.
Here are the thoughts of two of the students involved:
"The evening was a great start in getting to meet our mentors and discussing the next stage. It was interesting to find out about what they do and how they can help us achieve more in the future." - Roshni
“I feel that the first meeting in the LRC with our mentors was a useful icebreaker and I learnt the basics of what I was to face in the near future including how to greet someone well (formally). I also learnt the main concepts of how our meetings will go and what business I'm working with. I hope to build my confidence further and I'm also excited to gain a greater knowledge about the business I will go into (Axiall).” - Shanthosh
We would like to thank following local businesses, our Career Academy would not be possible without their support:
Axa Insurance, Axiall, Barclays PLC, British Airways, Coca Cola, General Electric, Loft & Cavity Wall Insulations and Ofgem