Word of the Week
Indicator is this week's WOTW
In our efforts to continue to develop students’ literacy we have a ‘Word of the Week’ programme.
The ‘Word of the Week’ will be displayed in classrooms and around the school and will be used throughout lessons in order to ensure students are developing their vocabulary. Literacy achievement points can now be awarded to students for the correct usage of these words in all lessons.
The ‘Word of the Week’ for the week commencing 7th December is: Indicator.
Meaning 1- A sign that shows you what something is like or how a situation is changing.
I have given myself an ‘A’ for my attitude to learning indicator for this task.
The economic indicators are better than expected.
Meaning 2 - A light on a vehicle that flashes to show that the vehicle is going to turn left or right.
Her right-hand indicator was flashing.