Karishma returns to her Primary School
Head Girl Karishma takes assemblies at local primary schools
Heston’s Head Girl, Karishma Bagga, visited Heston and Westbrook Primary Schools to take assemblies. Karishma explains how this came about and the theme of her assembly:
“What do I believe? I believe we all have a responsibility to educate and inspire the young – the very reason why I did not hesitate when given the opportunity to take assemblies at two local primary schools
Ten years later, taking a walk down memory lane, I revisited my primary school, Heston Primary, as well as Westbrook Primary School, to deliver an assembly to their six to eleven year olds.
The main focus of the assembly was to share the vast range of opportunities the younger students can embrace, beyond what may be offered to them currently, in addition to getting them to think about ambitions and personal goals; whether it were to eventually become a doctor, to even completing homework the day it was set!
I must admit, I was delighted to see how enthusiastic the younger students were - particularly in response to my question, “What do you want to become when you’re older?” to which some answered “a chemical engineer, a scientist, a magician…”
Being given the opportunity to inspire the young - coming from the voice of a senior student - about the endless experiences that lie ahead of them, the many goals one must set in order to reach their ultimate dream and to comprehend the value of giving back, is truly gratifying.”
Karishma’s talk finished with two “suggestions” to the primary school students:
- Set yourself goals – completing homework the day you receive it, make at least one person smile a day, swim an extra 5 more laps when you next go swimming!
- What will you do to make the world a happier place to be?
The assemblies were appreciated by both teachers and students at the primary schools. This is what some of the students had to say:
“It was good to hear about all the opportunities that are there for us”
“Inspiring to learn what the future holds for us”
“I will think how I can make the world happier”
Ms Laura Khalil, Headteacher at Heston Primary (pictured above with some of her students and Karishma), said: “Karishma did a lovely assembly. She was well organised, prepared and pitched it really well for the children. Some of my Year 6s came to speak with her at the end and it was very reassuring for them. Her message was very motivating and inspiring and it was a real delight to have her over.”
Mrs Ali Knight, Deputy Headteacher at Westbrook Primary, said “Karishma was fantastic! So confident and eloquent. The children were very attentive and one Year 6 girl said to me on leaving the hall - That was the best assembly Miss!”