Eager prospective students and their parents/carers arrived in large numbers to attend the School’s Open Evening and see for themselves the outstanding facilities, meet the proud students and supportive staff.
It was clear well before the published start time that the evening would be very well attended – this proved to be correct with the number of visitors up by 45% on last year. The School was soon awash with groups following their well-informed student guides and exploring a new and exciting environment.
Headteacher, Ranjit Berdesha, spoke of the School’s values and academic excellence, emphasising that being happy at school is key to individual success. Students from Years 7 and 13 provided first-hand accounts of their own experiences of the School, both inside and outside the classroom.
Comments from visitors:
Zain [Norwood Green Junior School] liked ‘everything’.
Parent 1: | ‘Amazing art, well-equipped laboratories and happy students. A really good experience.’ |
Parent 2: | ‘I got a really good feel of what the school is like even though I have not visited during the school day. A lovely atmosphere, friendly teachers and lovely students.’ |
Parent 3: | ‘I just wanted to express my gratitude – we attended the School open day the other day and were shown around by a student who I think was in Year 10. She did a fantastic job and explained everything clearly, gave great examples of her school life and experiences. She was articulate, spoke clearly and was concise with her descriptions; very polite and confident and a great ambassador to the school. I was very much pleased and had peace of mind to the end of the tour. Great credit to the school and wish her lots of success. Well done to all.’ |